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Alpine Mojo | Survey Results

Total replies: 6
Sent to: 54
Offer ID: 3134 See page

1. Did you discover Alpine Mojo for the 1st time when using your BuyClub voucher?

Answered: 6 Skipped: 0

2. Would you recommend Alpine Mojo to others?

Answered: 6 Skipped: 0
Friendly and knowledgeable instructors.

3. One thing you especially liked about Alpine Mojo

Answered: 5 Skipped: 1
Very service focused. Excellent response time, very cooperative. My trainer Georgina was so nice, kind and patient with me. And Elliot tried his best to respond to my innumerable queries. I wouldn't have wanted anyone else but these guys to get my very first ski lessons from.
Jasmine was great - enthusiastic, welcoming and very clear in what could be done to improve our techniques ...this was especially welcome as the two of us are at differing levels of ability
I was able to ski after 3 courses! Great way to learn how to ski
The manager’s reliable responsiveness.

4. One thing Alpine Mojo could improve on

Answered: 3 Skipped: 3
I can't think of any. I wish they had classes closer to be Vevey. I had to travel 3 hours every day to Nandez and back .
Nothing to add
Provide group lessons at lower price.

5. Do you think you'll return to Alpine Mojo in the future, even without a BuyClub voucher?

Answered: 6 Skipped: 0
This is no comment on the quality of their tuition. We've both been skiing a long time and given that I bought vouchers for a hotel and two days skiing for two people I thought I would treat us. In the main though, I would have to think twice about spending all that money for three hours of tuition. On the other hand, if it came up on a buyclub offer again I would definitely consider buying it again.
If there’s some type of discount, I would but otherwise it is a little too expensive (which is not unique to Alpine Mojo but all private courses)

6. Any other comments to BuyClub or to Alpine Mojo?

Answered: 2 Skipped: 3
Very good partner choice BuyClub.
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