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Altera Lingua Language School | Survey Results

Total replies: 4
Sent to: 20
Offer ID: 4296 See page

1. Did you discover Altera Lingua Language School for the 1st time when using your BuyClub voucher?

Answered: 4 Skipped: 0

2. Would you recommend Altera Lingua Language School to others?

Answered: 4 Skipped: 0
Excellent after-sale service

3. One thing you especially liked about Altera Lingua Language School

Answered: 2 Skipped: 2
A direct contact with the teacher and the school manager
Teachers are really knowledgeable and helpful

4. One thing Altera Lingua Language School could improve on

Answered: 0 Skipped: 4

5. Do you think you'll return to Altera Lingua Language School in the future, even without a BuyClub voucher?

Answered: 4 Skipped: 0

6. Any other comments to BuyClub or to Altera Lingua Language School?

Answered: 0 Skipped: 4
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